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Transkrip Rekaman Blackbox Adam Air:
(WARNING sound): PULL…
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit: ini —
ATC: trigana 161, the surface conditions, wind 290 degrees 07 knots, current visibility about 2 until 3 kilo mike, request descent?
in the background (Adam’s pilot chatting: ——— headingnya… ini posisinya dia, di sono… iya 21 mile).
TGN 161: Say again, Sir?
ATC: Trigana 161, visibility 2 until 3 kilo mike, surface wind 290 degrees 07 knots, runway in use runway 13, confirm ready for approach or make holding waiting for weather improvement?
TGN 161: Affirmative, we are make holding.
ATC: Roger, Trigana 161, now fly heading… ee… two six zero expect holding on one five miles mike kilo sierra, radial three one zero mike kilo sierra…
in the background (Adam’s pilot chatting: ———, Ujung Pandang… bos… Ujung Pandang jelas?)
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit: Aiyyah… cuaca di mike kilo sierra (means… Makassar… ampun deh)
TGN 161: — Heading 260, 15 miles holding, Trigana 161.
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- Loh, ini DMEnya nih yah…
- Iya makanya juga ngaconya disitu.
- Nah, ini mike kilo sierra.
- Yah…
ATC: Adam 574 confirm maintain heading 070 or tracking to DIOLA?
DHI 574: Affirm. Mach 74 maintaining 070…
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- Bearing 074.
- Anginnya dah mulai normal lagi.
- Iyah
ATC: Syahrizal confirm? (ATC asking for pilot’s name) Selamat tahun baru mas…
DHI 574: Gatu. OK dicopy, disampaikan nanti, Insya Alloh…
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit :
- Kok DMEmu beda sama DME gambarnya ini
- Iyah…
- Nngaco dia tuh brarti
- Dah ngaco dah emang… dah ngaco
- Udah mulai gambar bambu ini
- Udah, kita percaya ama ini aja deh…
- Hehehe… iyalah…
——— cewe-cewe
- Makanya, terlalu jauh banget
- salah lagi ini dia…
- Iya nih
- Coba.. tolong confirm posisi aja, confirm on radial sekian.. 124 DME gitu
(on the background, FO calling ATC)
ATC: Go ahead
—— : ——
DHI 574: Roger… Adam 574 position is 125 miles mike kilo sierra, crossing radial 307 mike kilo sierra
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- OK… that’s confirm… that’s confirm
- Affirm
- Iya khan.. ngaco
- Ngaco FIDSnya udah —, FMSnya…
- FMS telah mengacaukan dirinya sendiri… UEDANN opo…
- Oi terbangnya melanglang buana eh…
TGN 161: Trigana 161, maintain visibility now.
ATC: Standby one.
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- Ini aja kep yah.
- Coba ini.. apa.. ee.. gw pake ini aja deh untuk navnya, pake —— audio altitude
- Yes
- Yah ini aja
TGN 161: Trigana 161 request visibility now?
ATC: Standby one.
TGN 161: Standby.
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- Masuk ke…
- Fail aja
- Fail?
- Yah, vault aja nih
- Ntar attitude (or) altitude aja nih
- Ada semua —— cable? (probably AM/Air Mechanic try to repair something on cockpit)
- Attitude (or) altitude? Nggak..
- Yang laen…
ATC: Trigana 161 the visibility 2 until 3 kilo mike and runway change, 290 degrees 08 knots.
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- (Adam’s AM: klo angin dan headingnya saja, masukin ini…)
TGN 161: Copied, Trigana 161.
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
——— SELCAL dan altitude
- Masukin ini
- Heading brapa nih kep? (FO asking)
- Zero… zero seven nine yah (captain)
- Iya
- Masukin ini ke atas
TGN 161: Trigana 161, request ILS.. visual at runway 13.
ATC: Trigana 161, ee.. roger make left turn now heading on zero zero one descent two thousand feet, clear ILS approach runway 13.
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit :
- Ini kep?
- Taro NAV lagi…
TGN 161: Trigana 161, …descent to two thousand confirm?
(in the background, warning sound …———…)
ATC: Affirm.
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- Taro NAV lagi, taro NAV lagi…
TGN 161: Descent to two thousand, Trigana 161.
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- Yes?
- Taro NAV lagi (in the background, WARNING sound …———… WARNING alarm)
- Taro NAV lagi
- NAV!…… OK kep?
- Captain, captain, captain…!!!
(WARNING sign… ticking…)
- Aduh Kep, Kep, Kep…
- Ya, ya…
- Allahuakbar…! Allahuakbar…! Allahuakbar…! Allahuakbar…!
DHI 574: Mayday…!
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- Argh…
- Allahuakbar…
Voice on DHI 574 cockpit:
- Allahuakbar…!
- Allahuakbar…!
(…sounds like windshield kracking…)
- Argh…
- Allahuakbar…!!!
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